Friday, February 6, 2009

US Commander thanks UK for contribution to Iraq and Afghanistan

General David Petraeus, Commander of the US Central Command, thanked the UK for its military and non-military contribution to progress that has been made in Iraq and Afghanistan, yesterday.

The General expressed his appreciation of the UK's contribution when he met British Defence Secretary John Hutton and other civilian and military leaders at the Ministry of Defence to discuss routine business.

The visit was a routine stop as part of a larger visit by the General to visit other NATO allies. A wide range of important issues were discussed at the MOD and General Petraeus said:

"The visit highlights Central Command's engagement with our NATO partners to reiterate the strategic importance of the alliance and the critical role it plays in the Mid-East region and especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The United Kingdom is a strategic partner and we value the strong military and civilian co-operation between our two countries that advances our common goals of peace and security in the Mid-East. We have in recent years stood together against forces and elements that have sought to destabilise the region.

"The significance of the United Kingdom's contribution should not be underestimated. Its military activities and non-military assistance have been instrumental in successful capacity- building and the progress that we have made in various endeavours.

"I want to thank the UK in particular for the great contribution it has made, military and non-military, in Iraq and Afghanistan."

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