Monday, February 23, 2009

Heroes protecting fighters at the front get a warm welcome home

A group of Moray-based RAF service personnel have been given a warm welcome home after six months in Iraq.

The forward party of No 5 Force Protection Wing of the RAF Regiment at RAF Lossiemouth were greeted by a piper as they left the aircraft and were given a dram of whisky to welcome them back to Scotland.

Acting station commander Wing Commander James Linter was also there to welcome them off the plane before they were taken to the officer’s mess for an emotional reunion with their family members.

One, Flight Lieutenant Mick Morley, comforted his young son Alfie, who was overwhelmed at seeing his dad after six months.

The service personnel were responsible for the security of civil and military flights now operating at Basra Airport.

They were also able to provide practical support to the local Iraqi community and assisted in numerous building projects.

Wing Commander Derek Read, officer commanding No 5 Force, said: “We are all glad to be back home after running the protection service for the contingency operations base at Basra.

“We have had a successful deployment that saw a period of improved security clearly demonstrated during the recent elections.”

Wing Commander James Linter said: “Once again they have done an excellent job in Basra.

“We are proud to have supported them and their families during this arduous time.

“We are pleased to have them home safe and sound and will welcome 51 Squadron back early next month.”

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