Sunday, January 11, 2009

Iraqi security forces heal old divisions on medical supply run

Another positive step towards autonomy and joint Iraqi Army and Police operations was achieved in Basra when members of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) delivered 2 tonnes of medical supplies from the Contingency Operating Base (COB) to Basra Hospital.

The operation was initially planned by members of the Multi National Division Headquarters (MND(SE)) staff working on the COB. The detailed planning and execution of the operation was then handed over to the ISF working in the newly formed Provincial Joint Operations Centre (PJOC) that opened in central Basra in November of last year. The PJOC brings together all the various district security and emergency forces allowing them to combine and co-ordinate their command and control from one central location.

In a highly successful operation the Iraqi Army and Police personnel worked in unison to deliver the medical supplies that had been donated by the US Forces operating from the COB. Two truck loads of supplies left the COB and headed for the Basra Hospital under the mentoring of the US Forces 21st Military Police Company and members of the RAF Police who have been helping to train the Iraqi Police Service.

Squadron Leader David Wilkinson, RAF Police, working in the MND(SE) Headquarters said:

“This is a great example of the Iraqi Security Forces, both army and police, working together to provide operational effect.”


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