Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A reassuring presence

Soldiers from the north and north-east are helping to stem the flow of weapons, drugs and people into Iraq from across the Iranian border. Reporter Morag Lindsay and photographer Kami Thomson find out how the Highlanders are helping the Iraqi army.

It looks more like the set of Mad Max than an Army camp. Jagged skeletons of bombed-out warehouses loom out of the dust, framing a tangle of towers, domes and bridges and piles of charred and buckled steel.

Packs of semi-feral dogs roam the barricades, their howls competing with the drone of generators and the frequent calls to prayer from the mosque in nearby Abu al Khasib. Welcome to Camp Craw – home to the Assaye platoon of the Highlanders, 4th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland, and the most southerly base for the Scottish troops tasked with restoring security to Basra.

For the full story click here to go to the Press & Journal website

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