Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poppy Appeal launched from Basra

The Royal British Legion has launched the Poppy Appeal from Basra.

This year's Poppy Appeal has been launched in Iraq, the first time the campaign has been launched from an active war zone.
The Royal British Legion said the choice was a reminder that it helped active personnel as well as veterans.

Spokesman Robert Lee said UK troops had been on active service somewhere in the world every year since 1945, with some 16,500 lives lost.

The launch in Basra was accompanied by songs from the soprano Hayley Westenra.
The Poppy Appeal raises funds for the Royal British Legion, which provides support to serving members of the Armed Forces, the ex-service community and their dependents.

Mr Lee told the BBC: "Every single one of these veterans is eligible for legion support and every single person in uniform today is eligible for our support."

For the full story on the BBC News website click here

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