Friday, October 17, 2008

Lewis answers Iraqi 999 call

A PETERBOROUGH firefighter has embarked on a mission to help train new firefighters in a country torn apart by war. Twenty-five-year-old Lewis Collins, from Yaxley, is attached to the Royal Air Force.

The Senior Aircraftman, who is based at RAF Honington, is currently in southern Iraq, where his job is to protect RAF planes and personnel and help train new Iraqi firefighters.

RAF firefighters have been working at Basra airfield since 2003, when British military forces started using the site as their main military base in the area.

However, the Ministry of Defence say it is one of the main aims of the current British commander in Basra that the airport will be handed back to full Iraqi control in the next few months.

To do this they need their own skilled fire service, so Lewis and his 15 RAF firefighting colleagues train with the Iraqi firefighters every day in practical exercises on the airfield and theory training.

To read the full article click here for the Peterborough Evening Telegraph

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